Adventures in Hawaii: Snorkeling at Molokini Crater

So I'm 45. Now what?

There it is, all spelled out in fresh raspberries atop the best buttercream ever. I was actually happy with a plain white cake, but Sarah did not agree. She went out, picked some raspberries and spiffed it up for me. It does match the raspberry filling I put inside the cake. And it was yummy.

How did I end up celebrating my big day? Well, I did have my hot apple cider...but just one cup. I used it to wash down the advil and tylenol for the headache I woke up with.

Went for a run. First one in like 6 weeks, because I had to let my heel pain go away. I felt good & had fun reminding myself that I could. Today, however, my quads are telling me it had been 6 weeks!

Went to the grocery store. Fun, fun.

Took care of sick dogs. More fun.

Used a "get your first 5 oz free" coupon at Yogurtland. That was yummy fun. Try the White Chocolate Macademia. :d

Shopped for some cream for my face...something that will lighten up those pesky brown age spots around my eyes. (Truth in blogging moment here). I didn't find anything. Does anyone out there use one that really works? I would LOVE some real life suggestions. There are just too many to choose from!

I made that birthday cake pictured up there. White cake, raspberry filling, white buttercream. Delectable, if I do say so myself. Even hubby liked that frosting, and he doesn't like frosting. You'll find it over at "The Ultimate ButterCream Frosting."

The morning headache came back with a vengeance. Took my migraine medication. It didn't work. More fun!

Because of my headache, I stayed in and hung out with Jeff. We watched some 9/11 remembrances on the History channel. Sad. Not a good thing to do on my birthday. Then we watched Chopped. Love that show!

All in all, it was a good birthday, mixed in with a few reality checks. Gotta love reality.
