Adventures in Hawaii: Snorkeling at Molokini Crater

Questions from a first time voter

This post was originally shared SIX years ago--wow! I came across it last week and decided with the upcoming election, I would share it again. I have not changed the way that I vote in those six years. Wherever I can in good conscience put my vote, that's where my vote goes--be it for a Republican, Democrat, Independent, etc.

We have a first time voter at our house! That would be Jake. He and I went together to vote early last night.

Over the last few weeks, he's asked me some interesting questions about voting. Stuff that sometimes we don't think about anymore. We had conversations like this:

Jake: "So do you just vote a straight republican ticket?"

Me: "No. I vote for whoever I feel is going to do the job right."

Jake: "Even if they're Democrat? Have you voted for Democrats?"

Me: "Yes. Dad and I both have voted for Democrats who we felt were better for the job." (And some I still would, such as Jim Matheson. I voted for that guy twice when we lived in his district, and if I lived in his district now, I'd vote for him again. He really listens to his constituents).

Jake: "Then you're really an Independent, aren't you." Smart guy, cause it wasn't a question.

Me: "I'm a registered Republican, but yeah, I make up my own mind. I don't just vote for Republicans."

I'm proud of my kids who can vote. They all vote based on their own thinking. We don't tell them how to vote. They listen to the candidates, watch, and pay attention to what's going on, and then they make up their own minds about who to vote for.
